Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"After Midnight," by Teresa Medeiros

From When the ever practical Caroline Cabot first hears the words, "Our sister is marrying a vampire," from the lips of her fanciful youngest sister, she accuses Portia of having a wild imagination.
But when she discovers their sister Vivienne is actually being courted by Adrian Kane, the mysterious viscount rumored to be a vampire, she decides to accept his invitation to a midnight supper and do some sleuthing of her own. To both her delight and her dismay, she soon finds herself falling under Kane's bewitching spell.
After all, what's a proper young lady to do when her sister's suitor arouses more than just her suspicions?

I've read a couple of Ms. Medeiros' books previous to this one--"Yours Until Dawn" and "Thief of Hearts." "Thief of Hearts" is one for my keeper shelf, as I think that particular story is practically perfect in every way. "After Midnight," while not quite the keeper that "Thief of Hearts" is, the book gives us vampires, and Gothic settings, and lots of romance, in addition to a very good plot involving some well-drawn characters. This book has a fairly large cast of characters, and while some authors relegate their secondary characters to more minor roles, Ms. Medeiros allows hers to shine here, each with their own moment on the stage. This was a enjoyable read, and I look forward to reading the sequel, "The Vampire Who Loves Me."

Rating: 4 stars

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