Monday, January 12, 2009

Puppy Love

In spring 2008, I found a tiny black kitten while my husband and I walked our dogs. The kitten was very young, very wet, and very cold. None of the neighbors claimed him as theirs, and so he became a part of the family. For most of 2008, he lived outside and in the garage with our other cat, Smudge. When Smudge went missing, the tiny black kitten came inside. Now, any other cat would have been doomed to live outside, for my husband had decided that, and I quote "We'll have no more inside cats!" 

Thing is, my husband loves our cockapoo, Lucy. And Lucy loves the little tiny kitty. And so, the little tiny kitty came inside.

Here is a video of Lucy and Seely (or Tiny, or Tiny Kitty, or Mr. Boo), playing. They are bestest buds, BFFs for ever and ever. :-)

Awwwww...isn't that cute?

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